I graduated in electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Nottingham. I now deal primarily with patent and design matters in a wide range of technical fields. In keeping with my background, I specialise in mechanical and electronic inventions with particular emphasis on computer/software inventions.
In this work, I represent clients operating in a number of different fields ranging from process control systems to cloud computing technology, from hydraulic rams to nail files, and from medical devices to food packaging.
I have extensive experience working directly with the UK and European Patent Offices, as well as handling the prosecution of patent and design applications throughout the world – with particular experience in the US, China, India, Australia, and Japan.
In addition to the prosecution of applications, I also help my clients to take advantage of the Patent Box UK corporation tax reduction and I handle more contentious matters including – for example – oppositions, patent office opinions, infringement matters, and freedom-to-operate opinions.
Outside of work I enjoy running and swimming, as well as going out on my motorcycle (weather permitting).