Brexit – “Business as usual” in Europe for Forresters clients – now and in the future
Despite the UK’s decision to leave the European Union (EU), it is business as usual for clients of Forresters.
We are one of the few UK firms with a permanent presence in Europe.
Forresters clients are with a firm that has taken and will take the necessary steps to allow Forresters to offer BOTH European IP services and UK IP services, regardless of the “Leave” result –
If you are reading this and you are not already a client of Forresters and you would like to move your IP portfolio to Forresters, offering both European IP services and UK IP services, then please contact
- Forresters have offices in Munich, London, Liverpool and Birmingham – across the UK and in mainland Europe. We have qualified European Patent Attorneys in all our office locations.
- Forresters will continue to provide full services for UK national rights as well as continuing to provide full services for:
- European Patents
- EU Trade Marks and Designs
- The new Unitary Patent (when it comes into force).
- The UK remains a fully participating member of the EU and will continue to do so as the UK exit from the EU is negotiated over the coming years.
- When the UK eventually leaves the EU, the UK will remain part of the European Patent Convention (EPC) – the system for filing, prosecuting and granting patents by the European Patent Office (EPO). Norway and Switzerland are also party to the EPC and, like the UK will become, non-EU countries.
- The Unitary Patent system will be based on the EPO system but its introduction may be stalled for some time or may fail to come into existence following the UK’s “Leave” result.
- EU Trade Marks and Designs
Unlike some UK firms, Forresters, as we currently stand, will be positioned to represent clients before the EUIPO after the UK leaves the EU, in the same way as we do now.
Forresters will continue to keep you informed as negotiations to leave the EU progress and if you have any questions or need assistance with new filings, then please contact your Forresters European patent and trade mark attorney.